Coffee Pods for Office&Cafe&Home

Pods for Offices

Pods are the perfect way to provide quality espresso in corporate settings such as offices, retail businesses, customer service areas, meeting rooms and even conferences

Does any of this sound familiar where you work?

  • Fed up with the ground or instant coffee spilt all over the kitchen countertop?
  • Would staff appreciate a decent cup of espresso in the office?
  • Do staff spend ages having to leave the office to get a decent coffee?

If so, then coffee pod systems are the answer in your workplace.

On-the-spot espresso

Having a pod machine in the office means less time wasted because employees avoid standing in long queues at coffee shops. Would it save everybody time to be able to get quality coffee from the kitchen instead?

Espresso is easy with pods

Most coffee pod systems used in offices are so straightforward to use that it is almost impossible to produce a bad coffee. All you have to do is insert a pod with its pre-measured dose of ground coffee and then press a button or close a lever to produce consistently excellent espresso – every time.

Coffee pod equipment with different levels of automation.

The machine you chose depends on the functions you wish the machine to have and the budget you have to spend. Highly automated pod systems are great for high volume situations where you have a large staff or if you want to cater for a conference audience.

Some coffee roasters offer package deals

Most roasters are happy to deliver bulk supplies direct to your office. Many roasters now even make it easier to switch to pods by including coffee pod equipment along with the pods as part of a package deal. Ask your local roasters to find out what they offer.

No more mess in the kitchen

Are staff fed up wiping up a trail of coffee grindings or rings of half dissolved instant coffee off the work tops? If you prefer that staff spend time talking to customers rather than cleaning the kitchen, a coffee pod system is the answer. All the coffee is sealed inside the pod so there are no coffee grindings to spill when you insert the pod into the machine.

Pod machines mean less cleaning and maintenance

Espresso machines which use pods don’t generally require any cleaning other than periodically emptying the drip tray.

Freshly ground coffee without a coffee grinder

For freshly ground coffee, pods only need a single coffee machine, with no need to spend money on a noisy, messy grinder. You also save on bench space by having only a single machine.

Great quality espresso as an office perk

Perks for staff

The kitchen is often the social hub of the office. Employees who sit behind desks all day look forward to a coffee break. Fresh, aromatic espresso is a great perk which shows staff that their time is appreciated.

Added value for customers

Customers love great coffee too. Customers will always appreciate being offered a perfectly made espresso, latté or cappuccino rather than just instant coffee. Whether you are a lawyer, a hairdresser or car mechanic, offering complementary extras like excellent coffee can be one way to re-enforce the quality of the product or service you are selling and shows your attention to customer care.

Catering for all coffee preferences

Lattes and cappuccinos

Research shows that 95% of Australians prefer their coffee made with milk. Many coffee pod machine models have integrated steam functions for heating milk or frothing lattés or cappuccinos.

Offer different coffee options

Just like standard coffee beans or ground coffee, coffee pods are available in decaf, organic or fair trade versions, or in single origin or blended varieties. Many coffee roasters now include pods in their product range so they are freely available.

It needn’t cost more to offer staff and customers a choice of coffee. The shelf-life of pods is up to 2 years so there is plenty of time to use them up. That way you can cater for pregnant women who prefer decaf or even offer a choice of milder or stronger blends.


Pods for Cafes

Coffee pods for commercial use in cafés, bars, restaurants, hotels and even takeaway shops and convenience stores

Pod systems suit low volume products like decaf

For busy coffee sellers who offer various coffee types, a pod system can be a profit making solution.

Extracting decaffeinated espresso from coffee pods

Expand your product range

Offering a wide choice of ground coffees can mean you sell lower volumes for each individual product type. For the usual types of espresso machine systems it may not be profitable to keep stocks of coffee beans for all the options you would like to offer, for example:

  • Decaffeinated coffee
  • Special house blends
  • Coffees of different origins

By stocking individually dosed coffee pods for these products, your business can extend the range of coffee varieties you can offer your customer.

Longer shelf-life and less wastage for decaf

Decaf usage is typically lower than regular coffee, so there is a higher risk of being left with unused ground coffee which has to be thrown away. Coffee wastage equates to lost profit for coffee sellers.

Decaf pods have a shelf-life of up to 2 years. As you only use as many pods as you have decaf customers, there really is no wastage. When a customer asks for decaf all you have to do is reach for a pod.

Use pods on existing espresso machines

Your business doesn’t have to make any extra investment in equipment to start using coffee pods. The pods were designed to be compatible with the commercial espresso systems already on the market. All you will need is a separate ‘pod’ basket.

Cafés and food service businesses producing high volumes of coffee have commercial espresso machines with multiple groups, so they can even dedicate a specific group to decaffeinated pods.

Different sizes of coffee pods

Most commercial coffee shops use 10g coffee pods as standard single shots or 14g pods for double shots or larger singles shots in medium or large cups.

It’s not just coffee shops which benefit …

Espresso in bars, pubs and restaurants

More people are choosing non-alcoholic drinks when they go out. Most pubs and bars now also serve food and an ever-increasing coffee drinking public is asking for good quality coffee after their meal.

It is costly to employee a barista, so the pod system is perfect as bar staff don’t need any extra training. They can’t go wrong with a pre-dosed coffee pod and a machine where you only have to push a button. Bad coffee in pubs is fast becoming a thing of the past.

With a pod machine on the bar will also allow you to increase profits from quiet periods which normally have low bar takings.

Enhanced facilities in hotels, B&Bs and guesthouses

  • Offer premium coffee facilities in rooms or in self-service guest areas.
  • A coffee pod system at a self-service breakfast buffet gives diners good quality coffee without dedicating a member of staff to serve it.
  • Pods allow delegates at small conferences, workshops, seminars or business meetings to help themselves to excellent coffee.

Self-service espresso for convenience stores

  • Sell tokens for a self-service coffee pod vending machine.
  • Staff do not need training and don’t even have to operate the pod machine.

Extra profit for takeaway shops

  • Fast food outlets like pizza shops, fish and chip shops can easily offer coffee alongside their usual drinks bringing extra revenue during quiet times.
  • No staff training required as pod machines are so easy to use.

Caterers can produce espresso on the spot

Some coffee pod machines are so portable that caterers can bring one in the back of their van along with their other kit. Set up at the venue is easy – just plug it in and serve.


Pods at Home

If you appreciate good espresso, and want the café experience at home without even leaving your kitchen, coffee pods offer an easy solution.

Why are coffee pod systems becoming more popular?

Pod espresso machines are easier to use

Would you like to make real espresso at home, but don’t really know how to use a complicated espresso machine? Pod machines are easier to use than the standard espresso machines.

The Italians, who are famous for their espresso coffee, decided that good quality espresso should be available to everyone. They set about designing a simple method for producing espresso coffee which would enable people to savour the taste and aromas of excellent coffee at home or at work, without having to visit their local cafe.

Coffee pods in Italy are now hugely popular because of their speed, reliability and simplicity. Word has spread and now pods are fast gaining popularity in Australia and New Zealand. Pods are now offered by many mainstream and boutique coffee roasters.

Pods are cleaner – no more mess

People who have traditional espresso machines often complain about the mess that ground coffee leaves on the benchtop. If you want to avoid spending time cleaning up every time you use your coffee machine, then pods are ideal. All the ground coffee is contained entirely within the pod. Even after extraction the pod remains intact, so the whole process is much cleaner.

Guaranteed excellent espresso every time

You don’t have to be a barista to make proper espresso coffee at home because pods don’t require any skill to use. There is no guesswork about how to grind beans, how much ground coffee to use or how much to tamp it. You just put the pod in the holder, close the lever and press the button to extract the espresso. It’s quicker than the more traditional espresso methods too.

Coffee stays fresh for up to 2 years

The ground coffee in pods stays fresher for longer. A bag of regular ground coffee starts going stale as soon as it is opened and exposed to the air. As coffee pods are packaged in air-tight foil pouches which have had the oxygen removed, you won’t have to wonder if your coffee is stale before you use it.

Variety without wastage

As pods keep for up to 2 years in a cool spot, you can afford to buy different varieties of coffee without worrying about having to throw them out if they go stale. So if different members of your family, or even visitors who call round for coffee, prefer decaf or different blends produced by different coffee roasters you can accommodate everyone without any wastage.

Coffee pods are now widely available

Pods have been growing rapidly in popularity over the last few years and more and more roasters now offer their blends in pods.

Read More: Coffee Pods Manufacturing Machine



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