Coffee Pod Production Process


Pod production involves 4 distinct stages:

  1. Grinding
    Your coffee will be ground using a state-of-the-art-grinder which is enclosed.
  2. Dosing and tamping
    Within a couple of seconds your freshly ground coffee is dosed into moulds of 7g, 10g or 14g servings and tamped.
  3. Enclosing in pods
    The tamped and moulded tablet of coffee is then placed between 2 sheets of roll-fed filter paper. The paper is shaped around the coffee, the edges fused, and the final pod shape is cut out. These are now the pods which your customers will use.
  4. Pouching & nitrogen flushing
    Each individual pod is then placed between 2 sheets of aluminium foil and sealed along 3 sides. The pod is flushed with nitrogen to extract all the oxygen to preserve the freshness of the ground coffee. It is then quickly sealed along the 4th side. The pod is now completely protected inside its own foil ‘time capsule’ until it is opened.

Read More: coffee pod production machine



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