Mr. Coffee just released an iPhone-controllable ‘Smart Coffee Maker’

Mr. Coffee just released an iPhone-controllable 'Smart Coffee Maker'

Mr. Coffee just released an iPhone-controllable ‘Smart Coffee Maker’

The list of “Things That We Probably Don’t Need Smart Versions Of But We Got Them Anyway” gets a little bit longer today with the announcement and release of the Mr. Coffee Smart Coffee Maker, an iPhone-controllable appliance that lets you initiate the brewing of a fresh pot of bean juice from anywhere you can get a data signal. The completely unnecessary — but pretty cool, nonetheless — coffee maker uses Belkin’s WeMo technology and is controllable via the WeMo app.

The app lets you program brewing schedules or start up the device and produce 10 cups of java any time you want, though you’ll obviously have to have the maker pre-loaded with fresh grounds or there isn’t much point. Speaking of which, the first company that comes up with a coffee maker that lets me load roasted beans in bulk, and then grinds, reloads the filter, and brews it all on its own will score at least one order from me.

If you’re even slightly curious about Mr. Coffee’s new smart coffee contraption, our own review guru Steve “Mr. Jitters” Sande has one in-hand and is currently caffeinating and re-caffeinating himself repeatedly in order to bring you an accurate picture of the machine’s capabilities, so keep an eye out for that.

Read More: Coffee Machine



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