Manual Book of Automatic Coffee Capsules Sealing Machine



User Operation

  1. Fill in the film in correct direction as the above picture.
  2. Plug the AC power wire, turn on the power button, the lower mold will push out at the same time. Further, the upper mold will be increasing the temperature automatically.
  3. After 5-7minutes, the temperature indicator shall shut off when the upper mold’s temperature are ready. Till now, the auto function is ready for work.
  4. The way to choose the container and film:

(1) PET/ES films is suitable for any kind of trays.(temperature range 140-160℃)

(2) As for sealing well, the material of both container and film should be the same.(temperature range 160-180℃)


  1. Unemployed and children are forbidden to close to r machines.
  2. To forbidden the accident, don’t put hands in the machines unless you pull out the power wire.


1.  Indicator

Automatic Coffee Capsules Sealing Machine Control Panel

2. Function of buttons:

(1) Power indicator: Indicating the power is online of offline.

(2) Power key: Press power key to start up the machine.After displaying hd-LCC pattern,the machine begins to service you. Oppositely, PO pattern means the power is off.

(3) Auto/Manual choice key: The manual is selected, the machine is waiting for pressing the manual key to go on sealing process.

(4) Manual Operation Key: Work in situation 3-B.

(5) Set Key:  Reset    the    function    of    micro    computer’s parameters,and special function.

(6) Temperature Key: Lighting up as increasing temperature,off oppositely.

(7) Right screen:

  1. To display the temperature as usual condition.
  2. B. To display the parameter of function as changing the parameter setti
  3. C. To display error code.

(8) Up and Down Keys: To increase of decrease one unit value. (9)   Counter Key: To display the amount or count back to zero.

(10) Left screen:

  1. To display the amount as usual condition.
  2. B. To display the parameter setti Symbolizing P1-P5.

3. Function of setting

Symbol Function


Range Parameter Setting

(Set in factory)

P1 Set




P2 Counter LOK: LOCK


P3 Sealing time 001-030unit


010 unit (1sec)
P4 Cup   settled


001-030 unit


010 unit (1sec)
P5 Film  rolling






4. Operating procedures:

The procedures of machine as:


A. Press POWER to display -hd- then left screen shows Counter and right screen shows temperature. The machine is now ready for using.

B. Press SET key, the left screen displays P1 , the right screen display temperature, then press UP or Down key to increase or decrease degree.

C. Press SET key, then the left screen display P2, the right screen shows counting mode, OPN means can be reset to zero and recounting from one , LOC means cannot be reset to zero, but continuously counting day after day.

D. Press SET key once more, the left screen shows P3, and right screen shows sealing time, then use UP and Down key to increase or decrease the value by one unit (0.1 second). Generally, the value is assigned between 005 and 015.

E. Press SET key once more, the left screen shows P4 , and right screen shows cup settling time, then use UP and Down key to increase or decrease the value by one unit (0.1second). Generally, the value is assigned between 005 and

F. Press SET key once more, the left screen shows P5 , and right screen shows

G. Press SET key once again, the left screen shows hd, and right screen shows temperature, means all set procedures are finishe The left display goes to normal counting, and the right display shows the temperature of heater, and going to warm up.

H. As the temperature ready, the machine goes to normal working, according to MANUAL mode.

I. To stop the machine, only need to press the POWER key once again, the lower mold will draw back; the left and right displays are going off. At the time, the power indicator is still on, and that’s normal. This means the controller is sleeping, press POWER key once again to wake it up if you want to work continuously. To off the power indicator, you need to unplug the power line.


5. System Error Codes and Solution

The machine is going to buzz as the microcomputer detecting any failures.


1 E00 Temperature control system error.
2 E01 Heating circuit or temperature wire error.
3 E02 Upper motor or micro switch of upper mold error.
4 E03 Lower motor or micro switch of lower mold error.
5 E04 Sealing film is not in the right position or the eye-marks sensor error
6 E05 Lower motor or micro switch of lower mold error.
7 E06 Upper motor or micro switch of upper mold error.
8 E07 Safety door is touched or collided.
9 Cannot seal the container smoothly: (1) Clean up the surface of upper mold. (2) Defacement of lower mold or silicon rubber. (3) Deformation of the containers. (4) To increase the temperature of adjust the time for sealing. (5) The springs of upper mold is broken, so that the pressure is not at average. (it occurs about sealing100 thousand times.) (6) The springs of heater is broken, so that the pressure in not at average.(if occurs about sealing 300 thousand times.) Wrong use of film material: sealing paper containers with PP film.(WRONG)Sealing Styrofoam containers with ES film.(RIGHT)
10 No power of the machine: (1) Please plug the AC power wire. (2) The fuse of PCB is broken. (3) The short terminal of PCB is loosen.
11 Wrong position of the containers: To use lubricant on slide and jump rod everyday.
12 The lower mold lodge when sealing was finished: The micro switch is stuck by fructose.  Please clean up  the switch.
13 18. Shortage of voltage: (1) The extended line is too thin. Conjoint  with  too  many  other  electric  machines  for  one extended line.
14 The safety door is crushed by the containers while sealing: (1) The jack rod collide with the inner edge of lower mold. (2) Clean up the jump rod/bar and use lubricant on it. Change a new spring of jump rod as it is broken.


6. Maintenance

Any time do maintenance, should un-plug the AC power wire.

  1. Check the upper mold and clean by wet cloth or rough plastic sheet. If not, the dirty plastic sheet or powder will stick on the heating plate.
  2. Keep both the right and left slider those fixed under the lower mold plate clean and lubricated, if not, the input and output of r lower mold operation will be unsmooth.
  3. Clean the groove of the lower mold.
  4. Clean the jack system. (jack slider,spring roller, bearing etc.), keep it operate smoothly.
  5. Clean the film sensor and lower mold in-out sensor.




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