A Beautiful Nordic Coffee Machine That’s Pre-Approved for Snobs

A Beautiful Nordic Coffee Machine That's Pre-Approved for Snobs

If you’re what many would consider a coffee “snob,” you might prefer to
brew your elixir using the manual pour-over method for ultimate
control. This Norwegian machine provides the convenience of automation
with the quality of a pour-over in one pretty striking package.

There are only a few consumer coffee machines that can adequately
duplicate a manual pour-over. It involves precise water temperature and
exact ratios of water to coffee. The Wilfa Precision Coffee Maker
is one such machine. It has been around for a couple of years but is
just now becoming available in the US via Williams-Sonoma.

The Wilfa is not cheap, at $250 for the polymer version (the aluminum version is $330). In fact, most
would scoff at the idea of spending so much on a coffee maker that
doesn’t involve pods or automatic milk frothing. But if you are a
stickler about fresh, precisely-brewed black coffee, the investment can
be worth it.

use a Chemex or a Hario V60 at home and although those methods are
great for a single cup, the last thing I want to do when I have company
is stand over my brewer for extended periods of time. A machine like the
Wilfa frees you up from all the work, and leaves you with a damn great
pot of coffee to serve.



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