Coffee competitors fight for your freedom to brew

Last week, Local 2 told you about Keurig’s new coffee maker that will only brew Keurig brand K-cups. The news had a lot of people upset. Some even returned their new Keurigs.

Now businesses are creating products to trick the machine and allow it to brew cups from any coffee company.

The Rogers Family Company, based in California, has really gone to the mat with Keurig Green Mountian. They’ve been sued by Keurig for patent infringement; and The Rogers Family Company won. Now you can benefit from their battle.

The company has created the Freedom Clip. It’s a tiny piece of plastic you can stick inside the Keurig 2.0 machines. The small clip fits over the little camera inside the Keurig 2.0 so the machine can’t tell what type of pod you put in. You’ve got the freedom to use whatever brand you want.

We interviewed The Rogers Family Company Vice President John Rogers via Skype about why they created the device.

“They want to lock you into that coffee maker and then they want you buying their cups for the end of time,” he told Local 2 consumer expert Amy Davis.

He says the lawsuit Keurig filed against them was truly a David versus Goliath-like case in the coffee business.

“They spill more on the floor in one day than we’ll make in a whole year,” Rogers explained.

Now his company is giving the clip away online to anyone who requests one. Just fill out the form here to have a clip mailed to you.

Keurig maintains that locking out the other brands is more about safety and a better cup of coffee than competition. A public relations representative for the company added that if you have non-Keurig cups sitting around that you can’t use in your new machine, it will swap them out with you so that you have Keurig cups that will work.


Read More:  Keurig brand K-cups Filling Machine



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