Coffee Capsule Guide Launches New Website About Coffee Capsules

Long Beach, CA — (ReleaseWire) — 05/07/2015 — Coffee capsule aficionados and coffee lovers are invited to visit, a new website offering reviews and information about coffee capsules, machines and accessories.

Coffee Capsule Guide offers exclusive reviews of coffee capsules, most particularly focusing on espresso and lungo beverages, Nespresso and Nespresso-compatible capsules. In addition, visitors can find information and news about Nespresso machines and coffee accessories such as capsule dispensers, espresso cups and more. An online store also allows visitors to order some of the capsules, machines and accessories that are being reviewed.

With its modern look, social media following and an original vision extending to food and music, Coffee Capsule Guide aims at bridging the gap between coffee and culture, talking directly to a generation that thrives on espresso, music and arts. 

The newly launched website is already gaining attention from coffee fans and brands in the US, which doesn’t surprise its founder Fred Thom: “Boosted by Nespresso, the coffee capsule market is growing slowly but surely here with new brands coming out regularly. As an espresso fanatic who’s been indulging in Nespresso coffee for more than a decade, both in Europe and in the US, I noticed there wasn’t any solid, original online destinationfully dedicated to that market.” 

But he didn’t want to create just a simple guide – he adds: “When you go to an independent coffee shop, you can notice how much effort was put into the decoration exhibiting a taste for artistry or modernism. There is usually trendy music playing in the background, while customers wear cool clothes and often have tattoos. We wanted to capture that spirit and create a website that is both useful and culturally-aware because this crowd is passionate about coffee and is more inclinedto use good coffee pods.”

Though the site is just a few weeks old, it already features a comprehensive selection of coffee capsule reviews including both Nespresso and Nespresso-compatible and new sections are already in the work.



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